Web Design Portfolio
Web Design

Alstom Power web application

This web application has been developed with Conte Oggioni Partners for their customer Alstom Power, Energy division of the French worldwide company Alstom.
The application is part of the Visual Identity Toolkit, a project developed by Conte Oggioni Partners that allows managers to develop a coherent corporate image across all offices and plants located worldwide.
This project has been awarded 1st place on Grandprix Brand Identity 2010, and 2nd place on Davey Awards 2010.
The web application is an easy and automated way to collect informations and photos of worldwide offices and factories through a guided survey. The survey is backed by a host of technologies to enhance the experience like Auto-save, to avoid lose data in case of bad Internet connection, Auto-fill, to avoid filling previously inserted data, and Auto-resize, to provide a quick way of uploading photos with the acclaimed Image Upload java applet.
The collected informations are available to administrators that can narrow search results with over 30 filters, and can aggregate data to help taking strategic decisions.

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  • developed with usability in mind
  • six page guided survey with AutoSave function
  • automated image resize and upload using Image Upload applet as in Facebook
  • Per-user site surveys administration
  • AutoFill, to copy data from existing building forms
  • administrator control panel with real time dashboard
  • advanced search tool with over 30 criterias to narrow down results
  • one step Share function to send a completed form to an email address
  • automated printer-like view for optimized printing
  • lightweight operation for low bandwidth connections

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